Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kayla . . The Early Years

I've really been racking my brain to remember all the funny details of Kayla's life that I want to document. I've come up with a few more.

When Kayla was a little over a year old, we were living in an apartment while we waited for our new home to finish being built. Kayla had such fun there. She would sit is the one cabinet constantly.

She would walk around with a bowl on her head.

She would drag all the laundry out of the laundry hamper and just laugh and laugh . . .

and she'd run around in her hooded towel with it completely covering her face!

She's such a funny little kid!

Today on our way to camp, Kayla told me that I should let all the camp kids come to my work for a tour. She doesn't quite understand that an office full of tax accountants isn't exactly exciting. I guess one of the parents of one of the kids at camp is a judge so the kids got to go to the courthouse for a tour and it was "so cool". I hate to break it to her . . . but the only remotely interesting thing in my office is the candy jar.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We're Changing Directions Here . .

On my way to work this morning, it occurred to me that I've done an AWFUL job at documenting things about Kayla that I want to remember. Sure . . I have the photo albums and preschool art . . but I'm talking about the day-to-day stuff she does that I want to remember. So, I've decided to use this blog as my journal to remember all those "funnies".

Let's start with a few of the old memories I have. Kayla use to refer to nail polish as toelash. Guess she just combine "painting toes" with "nail polish". She's come to me and say, "Momma, I need some toelash." What's even funnier is she had me saying it too. I must have made a fool of myself on more than one occasion.

Sheeting - This is Kayla's term for holding her blankie (which is a 300 thread count pillow case) up to her nose. Apparently this is how toddlers and young children get "high". My mom about busted a gut the first time she heard Kayla say that. I specifically remember being in the parking lot of Walgreens getting ready to get out of the car and Kayla said, "Hold on. Let me get one more 'sheet'."

Of course, we can't forget Kayla's Starbuck's obsession when she was around 4-5 years old. She HAD to go to Starbuck's for chocolate milk. It might of had something to do with my coffee addiction.

One of my favorite memories of Kayla is the first time she cursed. I know . . bad mommy . . . but it really was hilarious. We were in the parking lot at Albertson's and I was trying to get her in the car. In the process, I dropped my keys and then proceeded to drop a whole bag of groceries. Well, without thinking, I yelled, "Oh shit". Trying to cover my tracks, I quickly said, "Oh . . er.. . I mean shoot. Oh, shoot!" Later that evening Kayla was playing in the living room and I believe she dropped something she was playing with. All of a sudden, I hear my precious 3-year old yell, "Oh shit". I quickly went to her and explained that that was a bad word and she should never use it again to which she replied so innocently, "So . . that's only a 'mommy' word?" My reply? "Yes Kayla. That's only a 'mommy' word.

And today (and what inspired me to start journaling these things) Kayla was in the back seat on the way to camp counting how many peace signs she was wearing. Kayla is currently obsessed with anything with a peace sign on it. She can spot them a mile away. Currently, I would guess that she no fewer than 10 shirts with some form of peace sign on them AND a pair of sandals with peace sign metal embellishments on them. It's so cute to watch her develop her own style (even though I secretly want her to get all her clothes at Gymboree until she's 20).

That's all for today. I plan to update this blog as I remember more things. I look forward to being able to look back one day and smile about all the silly and crazy things she does.